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Brief Overview of How to Design a Database

How to design a database

From the author Caleb Curry..
"What to Expect From this Course? This course, being eight hours long, is obviously quite a large commitment. In all honesty, though, the time will be well invested. This course will be relevant as long as SQL is a thing. It focuses on the fundamentals that make you a better developer. By the end of this course, you will understand the foundation of databases including keys, relationships, normal forms, and joins."

Course Summary Points

  • Learn the ins and outs of relational databases
  • Learn about relational database management systems (RDBMS)
  • An introduction to SQL, naming conventions, data integrity, database terms
  • Database structure, relationships, one to one, one to many, many to many 
  • Database keys, primary key, foreign key and more.

How to Design a Database - A Database Design Course for Beginners Video

Duration: 8hrs 07mins
Author: Caleb Curry
Category: Databases

Video Time Markers

Video Time Markers for How to Design a Database - A Database Design Course for Beginners

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    Video Authorship and Publishing Credits

    The author of this video is Caleb Curry and published by freeCodeCamp.org. Click through to find out more about them and their great learning material.

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