Github Open Source Projects How To Guide and Hot To Contribute
If you are interested in the open source community this tutorial guide will help to set you on the right path. Eddie Jaoude is an experienced and dedicated contributor on the open source platform Github and shares his invaluable knowledge with you in this 42 minute video. Learn why and how to contribute to open source software. You will learn about how to find projects to contribute to, how to make issues and PRs, how to make money from open source, and more.
"Not only help to improve your technical skills but help to improve your communication and networking skills to get the jobs, clients and money you deserve."
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Video Authorship and Publishing Credits
The author of this video is and published by Eddie Jaoude. Click through to find out more about them and their great learning material.Disclosure: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links of which Website Library receives a small commission from the sale of certain items, however the price remains the same for you. For more information please read the Affiliate Disclosure.