Linux Cyber Security Introductory Short Course
This short course is an introduction to Linux cyber security. It helps to get you up and running using the Ubuntu Linux distribution on a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). So Ubuntu and be run on a Windows or Mac machine.
During the course, you'll discover how to navigate the Linux terminal and learn many of the basic commands you would use on a daily basis...
- List files and directories
- Changle directories
- Delete, Copy, Rename and move files
- Find files
- View the contents of files
- Edit the contents of files
- Learn about file permissions and how to change them
- Explore standard input and standard output redirection
- Filter the contents of files using the grep command
- Learn about environmental variables
- How to switch users using the su command
The course finishes with a project on using and configuring IP tables, a Linux firewall. An essential feature used to enhance Linux cyber security.
Video Authorship and Publishing Credits
The author and publisher of this video is Grant Collins. Click through to find out more about them and their great learning material.Other Videos
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