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This is the first episode of Website Library on the YouTube channel... 
Basics of the Web - An introduction to the World Wide Web

Basics of the Web - An introduction to the World Wide Web

Author: Website Library


Hello, and welcome to Website Library. I'm going to be talking about web basics today, the very start of the web. So going back to the inventor and some basic terms, just to get orientated and show what it's all about. If you're coming from a background where you’ve got no idea stay tuned for that.

You've also come here at an interesting time, because it's the very start of Website Library. I've started this project, to help people learn more about computers and the internet. I’ve come from a background in web development and what I'm doing is putting together a library. I'm going through and curating various material that's out there and presenting that on the website and here on the YouTube channel, where you can learn more about, computers and the web, in a more structured way.

I understand when you're there on Google and you're trying to find some information it can get a bit daunting. So this is putting information that's already out there on the web into a framework were you can do your study in a more structured way. So that's what Website Library is all about.

I hope to put more material onto the Website Library over time. So bear with me. I'm a one-man operation here, and I can only move so fast. Stick around and hopefully, things will grow over time. Anyway, I'm going to head over to the website library website to have a look at what's on offer there, which isn't too much at the moment!

I've only got the one book on the shelf. How website library is constructed is it's actually using an application called Bookstack, which works in well with a Website Library. Constructed with shelves and books and then the pages within the books. And we've got one lonely book there at the moment and that's Web Basics. That's where I'm going to tie in the YouTube episodes with when I come up with a book in Website Library. So you can read through a little bit of the basic information I have on the homepage. Although, once the material starts to grow, the best place to go into will be into the shelves and, and having a lot, what the best shelf is for you. So at the moment, if we go in here, we can see one shelf and that's the beginners, and this is going to have a beginner, books in there. That's where Web Basics is sitting at the moment, on its lonesome, so if we click through, we can see, the material in there.

History of the Web

I'm started with, the history of the web. So click into History of the Web. we come across this guy named Tim Berners Lee. Who's a British scientist, and he started the web back in, eell, he came up with the concept in, 1989. It wasn't until, 1991 that he actually published, the first website at CERN. I've put reference links here too CERN. It shows a bit of material on Tim Berners Lee's and his contribution to CERN. Also, the first web page that he came up with and there's  YouTube video from CERN here. So, there's some interesting material there from where the worldwide web was actually born. The guy who created the web. Good one Tim!

The difference between the Internet and the Web

and next, subject we've got here is the difference between the Internet and the Web because they're not quite the same. I know people use the term internet, web interchangeably and. That's fine, but there is a difference. The internet, does predate, the web, the web sits on the internet so there's some information here worth reading through, and also a, a good, YouTube video by quick techie, with, having a look at. So, that explains it a little bit why the web is different to the internet.

What is a Web Browser

Okay. Moving along, we're having a look at what a web browser is, where browser is pretty important, because that allows you to access, the web and view web pages and a number of other things. So it's worth having a little bit deeper, look at, what. a web browser is, I've also picked out some, material to, do some further research there. so your web browser and important thing. And, there's a listing there too. A few of the popular, web browsers that are available, at the moment.

What are Cookies

Okay. Moving on to. Cookies are a function of your web browser that, uniquely identify you on the web. And, it's a, it's a very useful thing for, storing your preferences on a website. so it is a good thing, but of. later on with lucky in recent years, should I say, it's become a matter of privacy about what, what a lot of these, companies, the information that they store on you.

So you need to be a little bit, Aware of how websites are storing your, let's say your browsing activity, and all the, all the things you are storing about yourself on the web. So it's, it's a good idea to have a look at a website privacy policy to, to see how they're storing this information about you.

But anyway, Cookies are the vehicle, for, storing that information about you, but all the data, these days is, is generally not stored in the cookie itself. The cookie will just have a unique identifier and that will unlock, the information stored in databases on their website. so yeah, be careful with, tracking, be a little bit aware, but, it's, it's a good idea to, to, do some further investigation and understand what cookies are.

So there's a section there on cookies.

What are URLs?

The next one along, I'm talking about URLs. So a URL is a location on the web. It stands for uniform resource locator. So it's much like an address or in the real world. So you might live at 12. So and so street, in, in, Particular city it's very much the same, same thing.

It uniquely identifies, a location on the web. And that may be a web page, or it may be a resource of some type, like a, an image or a sound. so. It's good to understand what a U R L is. And there's some information on that. and a few examples of, what a URL, looks like, but generally you will associate a URL as a web page.

So www.google.com or something like that will be a URL.


Okay. Moving along, we have HTTP. Yeah. Now, this is an important one, because this talks about the exchange of information, with your computer to a server. So you're generally referred to as the client and the client excesses, the server.

So you might. address into your browser that will then go across the web to, excess re or request the server. The server will then have a look if, to see if it has that resource available. If it does, it sends back a, A response code. And, if, if that resource is sitting on the web server, it'll generally be a 200 response, which is good.

You don't generally see this. you can, using like an inspector on your web browser, actually see these responses that are sent in the header of the browser, but if you'll just. Accessing, the web with the web browser, you don't generally see this information. but it's good to understand what's going on in the background.

so you try and access a webpage that doesn't exist. That's going to return a four Oh four response code back to your browser. And display a message that that page is not available, but there's a lot of these codes, say a 500 code, which is an internal stuff of have error. The server may be overloaded or having problems and they represent a different thing.

But it's a good, a good idea to understand what these different codes are. so that's HTTP, there's some, good material there and a great video by, David, Jang, who explains it really well. What HTTP is. So I've included all these resources there, to do a bit of research. and further your knowledge on HTTP.

IP or Internet Protocol

The last item I've looked at is, IP, internet protocol while it's not the web as such, it's more of the internet. the web. does use IP internet protocol. So it's a good thing, to, research, internet protocol. So is, a protocol of the internet. so the webs sitting on top of that and, and that's how.

Information gets transferred, from computer to computer, using, packets of information. here, there is some further resources there for you. who have I used it at tech tech quickie again? they've got a great, a great YouTube video on, on TCP IP, worth having a look at.

Final Words

That's having a look at the web basics there. Do take some time to have a look through, if, your knowledge of the web is, or if you're just coming into it and you're wanting to find out more of this, this, this type of thing.

Anyway, I'm going to wrap it up there. Thanks a lot for coming along and having a look at  website library. Okay. I hope to be putting more books up in the future to explain more things about the West. Yep. And, further your knowledge. it, as you can see, it's, it's not just about a tutorial information here.

It's more about, giving you resources that you can use on the web, within the library. So, yeah, I hope  you. Found this video. Interesting. feel free to, subscribe, give us a light, write a comment, whatever. thanks for your time and see you soon.

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From the Book:

Web Basics

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